19 August 2007

Ruang Rindu......

To be honesty, i have been missing lot of people since last week. I accept this state of affiar and consider it as the beautify of human's traits which is fulled with emotion. Tears are so subjective to some extend which can be considered as the subsidary of the "raibow" of human's state. It cracks human fortification of emotion no matter how hard you try to deny it to speaks for it seft. Okies, My mood is swing and one of the reasons why i am in the such space of sorrow is because my gradmum is not that well.. I cant talk inlogic to some extend because i try to bear this from being splited out from my black "pride" and "parade". I wanna be home but then my dad says i can stay back for a while as she is pretty fine but my heart says she is weak! To be honesty, my gradmum is the person who always being my emotion and feeling sewage as i share my life stories eventhough somethime it is just a carp compared to my parents and siblings.Okies, am having my tears..now and it is just a lame proclamation to say it is a "tear", am wainting to be back as soon my things are done here. Good buddies and companies are really needed here. Okies, thanks for my side. Not to say am here knee my seft to get those sympathy but then i just try to say what i should and want to. My sis called me nd i have no ideas i was hardly to speak very well. Silent and jitters is the dominat "bulding block" in me! No words while i breath in and out seems that no sound from me. Okies, am still kicking alive here. I have some imporant reasons why i need to stay as soon as these thing are done then i will be there for not to think it "twise"! Gosh, anybody can help me to rejuvenate some positive tonics which make me be able to hit all the turmoils by using my own bare feet? Innocuous of space is n o longer cozy for me yet i have to tkae this in my own cup and taste it as a real man. YEah..be the Knigth of your seft then you are heading to the maturities of your own shell..I just need to rest and think positive here. My prays will follow my words for her. Till then, I dedicate this song to here. My love to her is not Full-stope where ever life brings my breath, i owe her for trillion of love and cares! ~ every time i speak, every step i make, as the nigh and daylight i some time forget or neglect for not to think of you, every bone i break, but here, i woo myself to keep on saying "i will be missing you"~



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