24 April 2007

Freak Fobia, anyone?

I have read a magz (Maskulin-am the fan of this ya) and i found these :-

Types of Fobia:-

a. Acrophobia- afraid of the high (am a bit dizzy, however am still can stand while in KL tower)

b. Astrapopohobia- afraid of thunder (sorry, if u are pointing me for this..am not that kind of man )

c. Coulrophobia- afraid of clown (Frankly speaking, I thought this has the same element as “clorox” has or maybe its taste is more “kick the ass”..hehe.i used to when i was a kid)

d. Cynophobia- afraid of dog (am not in this element ya)

e. Hominophobia- afraid of male ( am not, but if i do, this means that am doing feuds -affraid of policeman la)

f. Phalacrophobia- afraid of being bald (nah, eat your heat out as i do have plenty of hair and i guess it's kinda sexy tho to be bald)

Some freaky Fobia- more freak than usual!

a. Bibliophobia - afraid of books( sometimes, i do love of reading as am afraid of being stupid for nothing)

b. Caligynephobia- afraid of beautiful lady (i only afraid if my lady is too beautiful so people will say that we are matchless for this live-to- be)

c. Genophobia- afraid of sex (nah..not now)d. Medomalacuphobia- afraid of losing eraction (mine is still functioning k)

e. Medorthophobia- afraid of the penis while it erects (gosh..such a lame fobia if you are get treated by this)f. Pantophobia- affriad of everything (better give ur life to others who really need it then)

notes: i do sometime think such names (fobias) and there are sound weird to me. Who create these and does he or she makes these names for the purpose for having "a spelling bee" competition or to make people wring their brain to memorize the spellings when there is a need to divulge about their seft??what say u? Sometime the names look yummy to me, aren’t they?..yum yum yum + yum cha!!hehehtill then,


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