31 October 2007
Life is complex yet sweet to be re-called.
25 October 2007
Resilent Voices
It has been for a while that i have not updated this blog (i hope that this topic after the previous one- egg and chicken, will help you guys to be a bit calm down as it might be a bit tense to be digested. Just that i am to eager to create and arise so deeds to be shared with). Some of you, dear silent readers might have a big query what the hell is happening to this blog as it seems to have lot of spider’s webs, then shall not let this to be a remark which represents the slothfulness of a person. So here i come, to pay the "silent" with a more relax repricoral towards what i have encounterd for few past days. I was a bit busy like a bee but then I did spend all those precious hours with some of close buddies. So I decipher those inconceivable times and moments that I have had within these past few days in these ways:-
Last Friday, Went out with Zif and his friends at somewhere in “Jalan P. Ramlee”. Those who finds irresistible to have some boogies assortments will know what is the noteworthy of the road. Nothing much I can do while in a club. I guess it was the first time ever in my life as I was not taking part on the floor! Just sat and talked to Zif all night long instead of watching others who came out with some hot agendas. Yeah, he will migrate to London next year as his parents are there and most of his time were in London. We don’t that often to meet up with each other as he is currently in Langkawi. I stayed a night at Zif’s place after went out from a club at 3am and hooked up for a while around Bandar Tun Razak till 4.15am.I woke up early in the misty and cool morning of Saturday at 6.30am as I intended to attend an interview at 12pm. But I declined to be there because too frenzied.
Saturday- my housemates and I had a party (FYI, we have had 3 parties within a weak). As usual, I have in-charged to take care of bar tender. Yeah, anyone would love to have margarita? So New York huh? The vibes were so cool and erotic and because of that we received a black mail from one of our neighbors because of the tense and guttural songs and clamor. We apology for that!
Today, am very happy because I have just emailed my supervisor for some few chapters of my writing. I’m having writer’s block here. Lot of things to be shared but then I have no initiatives where should I start. Lately I just feel abit keyed up to have party. Study smart but Party harder! Rather than I am keep on saying something like a crap then It a better for me to move now( I mean from stop keep on writing crap for today) but will get back to you soon once I have some striking chronicles to be spreaded!
Xoxoxo Josh
guess what??which one has come 1st?chicken or egg?
I see this title in the context of global market evolution. 1st of all, I will talk about matter- “chicken VS egg” to speak for today’s world view in my own perspective…those who are interested or may NOT agree with me,well, u can respond to this writing then…the voice is urs and I don’t want to colonize ur mind and VOICE- to speak 4 indecisive issues without having any chance to speak it up!
Let’s get this conversations started then. Today we are living the world of technology and we are surrounded by so plenty of modern living style- conversely these kind of living should be are called as “post-modern” rather than modern. Today’s improvement is more better and advanced compared to the past. Do u know how this happens? and what is the source of the improvement in human’s intellectual institution-which produce so many fields like social science and pure science? The answer is because of needs. The human’s needs become more complex and the insurgency of economic comes to the board.. The economic affair was and is the main pillar and remark to human’s civilizations. Need+Economic=CAPITALISM.
I‘m sure that some of u might not agree with me however, I have ready with some of my explanations for it. Okies let’s look how capitalism operates it system and absorbs in human’s norm. Llet’s start to talk about some philosophies .Let’s begin to start from the epoch of rebellion of industrial in Europe. During this era, there were more to feudal system where human (labor) are being recruited by the well-to-do people who have lands to work on. Then this was one of the stages where the sagacity of economic comes to surface. The labors were isolated from his boss coz they were working class and most of them were poor people. Then after the foray of industry insurgency, Adam smith sees the world by taking into account the macro level-the labors as Adam sees they should be separated from each other (professional vs unskilled ).Hegel – a Germany idealist says that human need should come from his consciousness and the idea of consciousness was driven to the belief of god.
Hegel believed in the world of spiritual which driven human consciousness. The moral of the story, human should not be too greedy and just fulfill his need rationally rather than to have a plenty of it coz after all, it will keep apart human from the god-. Again this is the sense of alienation (a part from each other). Hence, K.Marx sees this situation should not happen coz the impact was more on the labors themselves rater than the bosses. Marx believes in logic and scientific idea and he opposed to the idea of Hegel. For him, everything which were happened to human’s nature were not happen without reason and there should be some structure or rigid explanation for certain problems which wrapped human’s cycle. This was a kind of humiliations and it seems to T-down the labors. So Marx rose up to speak for the labors that these should not be in this world. So, he increased to change the situation by breaking the concept of depress among labors. the labor should work hard in order to gain wealth. This can be happened if state has good organization skills in order to control the economic affairs. Coz in Marx’s history, he lived in a poor situation even his father was a lawyer.
So dishearten and humiliation can be exiled. Means, that state should provide facilities to his nations, equally and the facilities should be same to all of them. He hates the sense of alienation among labors and the bosses have to do with this. Here, alienation refers to a situation where , for example, if u work for someone and u give him 100% efforts for making a shoe, but at the end u will not get pay as what u should have and u are being deployed unequally which is out of human rights. what's more, u cant deal directly with the dealer of the shoe…so your boss just take the shoe and he will deal with the dealer 100%..Means, that u don’t have 100% contact with ur product-how it’s being sold, being negotiated and so forth. No doubt if some labors were cheated in phrase of the salary they should get compared to the value that the boss has by selling the products. so u can see that ur efforts and abilities are not shown into the surface……so u are seems to be voiceless.
Above and beyond, the thought of alienation also mirror the micro level of human’s society basis-in the concept of gender. For instance, leadership hierarchy was controlled by males rather than females. Females tended to work as a derivative pillar to the past society. In the past, their economic activities were not too commercial as males do. If males were leader, so females will substitute to males. This shows that females always being a shadow to males especially in the world of industry. Then, the concept of patriarchy is coming the board and it might/might not be in this meantime...depend on how do u will analysis the social impact assessment which is around you! After Marx’s idea, there were so many ideologies came to the ground of earth such as neo-liberalism, modernization (based on western’s ideologies, to be a modern people we should leave the past and change our journey to something new, which means that neglect religion concept as in past religion was the major pillar to human civilization-not many people love to be called as modernist! mind that), colonial (western bring along the concept of modernism out from No doubt if some labors were cheated in phrase of the salary they should get compared to the value that the boss has by selling the products. so u can see that ur efforts and abilities are not shown into the surface.
So u are seems to be voiceless.Above and beyond, the thought of alienation also mirror the micro level of human’s society basis-in the concept of gender. For instance, leadership hierarchy was controlled by males rather than females. Females tended to work as a derivative pillar to the past society. In the past, their economic activities were not too commercial as males do. If males were leader, so females will substitute to males. This shows that females always being a shadow to males especially in the world of industry. Then, the concept of patriarchy is coming the board and it might/might not be in this meantime...depend on how do u will analysis the social impact assessment which is around u! After Marx’s idea, there were so many ideologies came to the ground of earth such as neo-liberalism, modernization (based on western’s ideologies, to be a modern people we should leave the past and change our journey to something new, which means that neglect religion concept as in past religion was the major pillar to human civilization-not many people love to be called as modernist. mind that), colonial (western bring along the concept of modernism out from Europe ), post-colonial (resistance in holding the era of colonies) and last but not least is post-modernism (started on 1970-today and it perceives varieties of ideologies together and there should be balanced between science and spiritual ideologies).All of these ideologies are driven by the sense of Capitalism!!!! In capitalism- we can compete with each other without any restriction. so the poor will be worse but the rich will live more merrier.
Thank god that our country has ekonomi-campuran where public sector will monitor the grow of private sector. But we should remember that, because of capitalism ,we face the issue of alienation! Does it happen in our norm???? Let’s I give u some hints. we tend to replace our task by producing robots. Yeah I do agree that we need technologies to make our life more easier and meaningful. For instance we can reduce our working hours by letting the robots doing our jobs. I do agree that we need to replace human’s responsibilities which h can cause harm to human being by replacing human with robots.
However, for some serious situation yes I do, but we are to depend and relay on the gadget. Once day there is no hesitate that we are isolated or alienated from our job even our own products-and society for the reason that of so many intellectual “fake” human which will turn to primary creature rather than secondary ones. So where is our position then? I will not bolt from the blue if they are much cleaver than us coz we make them cleaver as human being in order to make them understand our needs and also to replace our position. Mind that!we can keep on depending on technologies but make sure that we should not too much giving hope on them to be or equal to us and make sure that we are not a secondary master to our own creation. This makes sense-we should not try to be god because god is more powerful who makes us to be what we are rather than what we are going to be-we have to work hard for our future. I do agree that we should be bendable and must have give and take in our life and this is what post-modernism all about. Keep it hip hop and real!!! heheheh..
So get back to the above title…so tell me where is ur position in this world? are u in the position of chicken-human’s nature is very important or egg- (capitalism)need is really important? Remember..if there is no human, so there will be no need but if there is need which comes 1st then there will no true “ human” also as human is driven by needs (technologies)!!!Are u isolated or alienated which resulted by choosing human or the needs as ur top list?? If yes, so since when? the moral of the above explanation is:- No human so no capitalism but also no capitalism so there will be no ADVANCED HUMAN as nowadays. especially as u!!!!?Juz think about it then. Accept what is relevant and say NO to what is not!! be transparent, honest, natural and rational.. Finally I can explore the implicit of the issues which relay on the spicy and dazzling question “Which one comes 1st? Chicken or egg?”. So do u get what am I trying to say? till then adios amigos brabados.
18 October 2007
Be out of your own box, please!
A usual, I will spend a day to read some journals. Today I read some attention-grabbing yet sound to be frighten issues which are related to human delivery process. OMG, I cant believe how hard will it be. I did comprehend some of the techniques to realize, to be sensitive to the need of preggy (it is a jargon here- pregnant) ladies, and how to take over the situation where there is no medical supports and personnel. Besides that , the online learning does edify us how to be aware of and read the ultrasound in order to identified the sex of a baby. Okies, am not that good but then at least we know something about some pieces of this unique knowledge. Belajar sampai ke Negara China. Hehe. That saying may be counted to the best drive to the ideology of having “masyarakat madani” aka Glocal Citizen.
Talking about masyarakat madani. It is a good word to start mode of 2020. Many things can be considered as a focal point while we are accrosing the Malaysian's civiliation here. Many issues to be addressed. Okies, lets start with some agenda here. Today people busy to keep their eyes on the our astronaut. As a Malaysian and UKM-fella to the astronout, I am so proud of him. Regardless age, gender, social status, race and believe, we should be able to shore up the concept of integrity and do not look at the negative side while we try to build the nation more than ever to put Malaysia in the line of prestigious arena. I am a bit pissed of while reading some comments on the astronaut. A bloody and stupid fella who gives his commnet on the your tube says that , the astronaut is doing something which not good as he is sitting together in a rocket with those Christians. Why dont he just takes care of his asshole rather than keep on nagging something which may sound stupid and fucking absurb!!!He is aint that smart to say so. His asshole is too smart over his brain. Hey, am a Christian but all this while I never take this state of affair (age, gender, social status, race and believe) to make friends or limit my boundaries to get close with anyone yet I prefer those who can think and act GLOCAL. OMG, if we were having such accepted wisdom and stupid attitude. So how long will Malaysia takes to be in the same bulk of international norm? Will we be remain in the cycle and series of having 1st class facilities and 3rd class mentality? If we were in this kind of mentality then will we be able to get the real objective to be a modern country?or we just hit the date line (2020) but the concept of “masyarakat madani’ will never ever reach the society! God darmn it! People, could you please don’t be so bias and do something that may hamper the concept of integrity? Let's be bounded up together in order to move from the old paradigm to the new and fresh era which may not harm to any of us! Be fair, be cool, and don’t be so optimistic yet be a bit more realistic as it will teach and funnel us to be charitable to each other. Well, we are Malaysian so just keep this at the safe tone- Be peace always!
x0x0x Josh
16 October 2007
Kisah kelasik untuk masa depan
x0x0x0x, Josh
14 October 2007
What is my sunday all about?
I love this vibe.The littel lights on the roof make reflection to opposite walls. Sorry coz i forgot to snap some of the walls as my proof. Well, overall this is what i call as an art.
The bridges are too cool!But i feel insecure and my heart was throbing drasticly while standing or walking on it as it seems to be not solid and flimsy coz i can hear the sound as it was crack.
I would like to give an immense appraisal to those architects but not to those engineers. Why? Okies. Let’s cut this crap. As today was raining all day long, The Garden has been leaking for quite long which the rain was pouring and flowing via its roof and also the ceiling flames. OMG, can you imagine how danger it was? Not to mention as the flames were on! In fact, we were having our tea time in the café which is near to the leaking. Okies, here is the proof;-
MINUS the butt, can you see the leaking? Too bad to have big dusbins ( they were clean and not used to be a disposal disbin tho) in the midst of glamorious and nice vibes while having great meals.
Gosh, it is so perilous and will jeopardize those who were at the ground level. By the way, The Choic (If I am not mistaken) café also has two sections which are divided into two part portions- inside and outside. So those who were having their meals at the outside were a bit pissed off because of the unpleasant bombshell. We had a nice English breakfast and I like its so called – sushi (it has it name actually but I cant remember its exact name). The salmon is darn cool appetizing. Okies, here are the pics:- The cafe is decorated with a modern touch but the services are too weak as they have less staffs! Such a bad contradiction which agiants its beuatification! It is a lame tho!
It has mix of expression here. This is the English breakfast which are taken during the late evening. Sounds not that practical to have it in such time huh?Overall it has my words- Sweet tho as I love the pink pudding.
After we had our tea time, then we walked to man’s department at some of boutiques. No mega sale ladies and gentlemen. So sorry for that. But guess what, I noticed that Hugo has its new collection- Hugo Selections. It has nice and sweet smell tho. Some of the outfits are reasonable but still not that worthy!

I'd rather to get close to the mirror than killing my heart to do some window shooping for those grand outfits.OMG, my snikers are cool tho! Just over realize (do we have such word in English? ;p) about them. No harm ya.
In my way back to my place, gosh I am figuring out about something here- why there are so many foreigners here? Are they legally come in to Malaysia or another way round? Are we having the concept of American Dream where the dreams are every where and people can have it with their own dream machineries..Being here with untidy stance will makes us to be a scapegoat in the eyes of those “first class” forigners. Oh ya, I went to MPH today and I saw an interesting book – “If from third class to 1st class”. No harm for these people to be here but it would be much beter if they can be a bit tolerate (even somethime there are to bitchy even local people have the same attitude.) What ever it is, just achive our dream and do not hamper other to achiver theirs too. Be abit tolerate and responsible to the city and please DONT throw the rubish all over the place and please be a bit concern while in public transports! DONT just rush in or hop in for not considering about other too! Dont be such a jerk and dumb-ass.Well, the book will help us to be more susceptible to the nation of being a modern people of a third world class. Are we still swollen with pride with this remark? I let this to all of you to comprehend it from your own level of indulgent about such ideology.



xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo (the longest hugs & kisses i ever had in this blog)
12 October 2007
It is quite a dry day to me
I did send some sms’ greeting to some of my close friends and not forget to my ex-bachelor thesis’ supervisor. Yeah, sometime it is good to sms those we have not been in touch for a while. Well, to all muslim friends, am wishing all of you a happy Eid and minta maaf fizikal dan mental. Hope all Malaysians will enjoy this session to the fullest regarding who you are. Keep the world at a peace tone! Btw, I would like to suggest you guys to watch a movie- the employee of the month. Sounds hilarious and side-splitting tho.I am keep on on listening BabyFace- Fire. Yeah i will take it from there in order to cheer up this "empty' day and transform it into a nice ans wonderful day. No words to nag here. Have a nice day people.
x0x0x Josh
11 October 2007
Some tonics of a life to be addressed carefuly.








10 October 2007
feeling so good by JLo
holla beb...it's 4am. Feelin so good. Just came back from party-ing. Release all the tense for today. Cant think more for thesis writin. Feel drunk and high so i cant think wise to write some words here.hahha Well, enjoy the song peeps as i fucking like the beat of it.
9 October 2007
Enigma - Return to innocence
I love this song. It makes me feel that i'm in my own santuary. Can you see that all the above elements are reversed?what is the significant of fruits? Why there are old people in the vein of the song? It is not the begining of the end. Okies, take a close look to the video and what tringles to my mind is, it seems to revolve what has happened or similar to the "eden garden".Correct me if i was wrong but that is how i inteprete the vibes of the song and scence.All elements of earth are straight in the menu board of the song..if you get what am trying to say then do spot it if you can?hehehe...
A joke for today
Hi Boss,
Nice to have it as a light release for today..Me? well, i am still writing and completing my academic writing which caters me trillion of dryness for this whole semester. Sounds that all universes are boring to me as my days and joys are sucked by the writing! At the same time i have to prepare my seft for next interview as an editor. Agian? Okies, i take it as my cup of tea. Am listening to "Return to Innoncence" by Engima. It is a nice and placid song, indeed..Just click the above tube if u are listening for more.

8 October 2007
jiwang le....
Oh ya, I have my own poems and writing though and I keep it in my “book of shadow’ . Such an inventive and schmaltzy soul I guess. But then, don’t get me wrong as u may think am too “jiwang” aka passionate for nothing. I have 25 assortments of live and death poems! Most people feel taboo to talk about death but then without knowing the meaning of death how can you understand the meaning and feel the joy of life? Now am thinking of having some meals at Chillies . I have not been there for ages! Nah at the same time, Starbuck is cool tho.Am confusing which place should I to release my farmished. Yeah, am going alone! I guess am having writer’s block!!!! Am off for now.
6 October 2007
Hunting will never end
It has been alomot a week I have not updated my blog coz I am busying to hunt the time to complete my writing in the nick of time. Okies, let’s we see what stories I have for you guys to be went halves, shall we? on Wednesday, I was so hectic for job assessment which was at Puchong and it is freaking far from my place. I went out at 5.45am and reached the place at 8.00 am. The assessment was started at 8.30am as everyone was right on the schedule and the assessment lasted until 5.00pm. Oh man. the company has nice offers to those who are selected. I am applying for Town & Urban and Landscape Planning. I love landscape and environment so much. It makes me think and appreciate the world that I am living with. To my surprise, most of the candidates are a master holder. Gosh. I bet it is a competitive hunting. There were 400+ applicants for the post. After a rough screen test, then only 23 candidates were selected for the assessment. Then, at the end of the assessment, there are only 9 candidates had to go for the behavior interview including me.hehehe. I really hope to get the job in order to enhance my MA which I can say that I am a fresh graduate in the field of urban and town studies because I have no working experiences in such area if not in teaching line but I guess it is a time to change from teaching line to something new and ‘kinky’. What can I say here? I really wanted to have an itch to be in the line of the company’s rapid growth.
On Friday, I went to Cyberjaya for my second interview and it is for the post of an Editor. The company is also not that bad. One thing that I feel in the vein of in a publishing company is, they can wear what ever attire the want too. Means your office attires may not be formal but is should be tidy and exceedingly grand. This is my second endeavor for the post. As usual, I was given 3 set of tests which are 100 word sub-editing test, critical editing test and an essay. Well, I have no problem to deal with these two tests; 100 words test and an essay (I was doing a movie review and I have chosen Chuck and Larry to be disparaged). But the jumpy came to the surface when I need to deal with the critical editing. The text which was given cost me lot of time to think carefully in term of suitable vocabularies, grammar, speeling- am bad on it!, reliability, semantic- author query, and so forth. Besides that, the text is more specific to what the company is dealing with and it is a bit similar to legal texts! Mind you. I hope that my application will not be crossed out. I did my interpreter practical training in a court though but still hardly to understand those legal texts. It is really kicking my ass to digest the and download those fiddly and thorny words as the language is not that near to the common standard though! But, I still cross my finger for the post application. If not then I have to dare to play with the music yet i hope that they take a cake on me after checking my tests!My hunting for carrer and life will keep on 'rolling" bebeh.
Till then, will cater you guys more in the next other times. Have a good and nice Saturday fellas.
X0x0x0x0, Josh
1 October 2007
Am smilling all day long..
My buddies- 4 of them, and I went to Mines to have “wayang” time. Chuck and Larry was picked to be our “menu” for that day. Supposed to watch white noise but the ticket for the movie was sold out. Macam loteri pulak. But aint give lot of grievance much as the movie is cool, far-fetched and side-splitting yet it has realistic issue to be addressed by the world of globalization. It is about friendship, human right and social support. Without these, the concept of “anomie” will come out and this will kill the human kind. If you want to know more about “anomie” then try to search it from the internet or try to ready Durkheim’s work. He is an anthropologist. I am currently reading his book fopr pleasure. Hehehehe. Okies, that all about the movie.
Monday-today, I went to Dental Clinic. Besides that, my college is having elaction week so you can imagine how pack and busy the situation. But i made my way straight to Dental Department. I was overslept and i supposed to be the 1st patient. Luckly the clinic was not that crowded. I made an appointment a month ago. It is just to fix my front teeth. The teeth was chinked because of stupid leathery beef. Sounds asshole huh? huhuhu. I lost my confident to smile and meet others. Hardly to sustain my self-assured within a month while waiting the appointed date. Finally it is over! Gosh. I have to wait another month to fix some of my teeth. We have 2 doctors in duty and to my surprise, once we hit our age starting 20s we keen to make dental checking as a routine compared to us when we was a kid! Dentist was ‘inhuman’ at that particular of time . But now, starting with the age of 20s, people are getting knack of having good look and smile to burst and patch up their confident and dentist is become a friend who keeps their beauty. Hahah. I used to do dental checking once a year. Can I say, beauty is pain? Yeah it is. But I guess girls have it more than men. Glad to be a boy! Okies, I have no ideas to nag. I am hungry….yeah…will get back to you once I get my brain is filled with many ideas to be went halves. Even I can feel the pain on my gum but finaly I stepped out along the paving with a long and nice smile- perasan kejap
Xoxoxox Josh